Preserving the harvest - Canning food

After you have gone to the work of growing your garden or foraging supplies, it is time to put it in a shelf stable form in your pantry.  In this section I will share some of my tried and true methods of preserving the harvest with canning food, whether that be pickles, relish, hot water bath canning, pressure canning, or jams and jellies.

Over the 30+ years of canning food that I have raised, research, trial and error and conversations with experienced canners have all attributed to my successes in being able to preserve the harvest by water bath canning it.  Although pressure canning using a pressure canner was something that intrigued me due to the doors it opened in preserving the harvest, I had a paralysis that only a lot of research and then just diving in could eliminate.  After a couple years of successful pressure canning under my belt, I ran across a course that combined the techniques of water bath canning and pressure canning into one place. Like gardening, we never stop learning, and so I dove into an on line class with Homesteading Family and took their course called The Abundant Pantry: Canning.  This exceptional course really did a good job on explaining the "why" and "how to".  For the beginner and even for me, being a experienced canner, it was well worth the time and I would recommend it.

At the end of the day, how we approach hot water bath canning and pressure canning boils down to our own comfort levels.  So although you will see things on My Boreal Homestead Life that do not necessarily follow the guidelines provided by The National Center for Home Food Preservation, The USDA - Food Safety and Inspection Service, Health Canada - Home canning safety or recommendations taught in The Abundant Pantry: Canning class, trust that I am only sharing tried and true recipes and techniques that I have been doing for decades and my family have been doing for even longer.